[s-cars] Audiocy

Vincent Frégeac s.sikss at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 19:23:22 EST 2007

The best part of this Audiots talk is when you are explaining the whole
concept of the NE //S-Fest and, when you were about to develop around the
philosophical implication of mixing Belgium beers and German cars, there is

"- Huhwha???
- Let me explain that again, Mr Custom Officer..."


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[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de pkrasusky at ups.com
Envoyé : 22 janvier 2007 11:44
À : s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : [s-cars] Audiocy

Warning (Danger Will Robinson):  Totally pointless post.  

Somehow you just gotta love it.  Those days when you stop and listen to
yourself, as you explain things to an inlaw or something during a
weekend bday party for the kids.  Those daze...  just another day in CT:

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"Did you know there's a guy in your garage?"

Oh yeah that's Jim from Maine.

"MAINE!?  What's he doing out there???"

Welllllllllll...  it's complicated.  You see he's just driven south of
here to shag 5ktq parts out of this guy's yard downstate - you know -
you remember - the guy I met in the parking lot of the timeshare in
Orlando last year with the S8 from CT when I ran out for milk and it
took me an hour and everyone thought I was lost???

"Oh, yeah I remember that guy".

Welllllll, when the party's over today Jim & I are going to the airport
at 10:15 to pick up a Lister.  See, he's flying in from California to
buy an '02 //S6 from my friend Brian, the guy that lets me hammah his
GT2 for no explicable reason.  This guy Rossato's meeting us on the
airport onramp on the way to Brian's, and we'll meet these guys Mullane
(who's returning from a day in MA to buy yet another car he doesn't
need) and Assarabowski (who just sold his spare //S to a Lister's
brother) there for a beer or three.  You know, perfectly normal everyday
stuff, nothing unusual / exciting.

"Huhwha???  Ummm...  hey look a butterfly (excuses self)".>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Or something to that effect.  GOTTALOVEIT.  Audiocy, as Jim coined.
With Audiots, of course.

Last weekend - wifey and I were out to dinner with another couple she's
friendly with (being the swingers we are and all).  Dinner small talk,
eventually counterpart husband looks to me and asks "So, do you golf?
Any hobbies???".  

Hmmmmmmm...  WHERE to begin with THAT one.  I say something to the
effect of, well, I'm into cars.  He presses, oh, like what, restoration,
part of a club?  

Um, yeah, "something" like "that".  I started to explain around the
frayed edges a bit, luckily wifey jumped in to the rescue before the
full monty train wreck and righted the convo.  I think she sensed his
system overload at struggling to comprehend.  

What's all this JNR and GoF and Hertz stuff he musta thought - course I
omit those glorious details 8-).

-Paul issues, hard to explain issues - seeking help in the form of
Octane K.

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