[s-cars] Paging Mr. Baloney, a Mr. William Baloney... your R8 has arrived

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Jan 30 10:06:17 EST 2007

Audi USA writes me:

<<<You can now place a bid on a test drive of the race inspired Audi R8
on eBay(r). Be one of the few to understand the groundbreaking
innovations, sporty design and powerful performance first hand...>>>

I ASSume many others here got this friggin crap too.  Ah, "only"
$5,200.00!!!  Awesome.  Bill, I put that first bid in there for ya.  I
figure maybe if you JNR the testdrive enough they'll not want "it" back,
no???  Genius, pure genius.  

DEFINITELY lemme know, I gotta know, if the Onboard Nav Chic beckons out
"HELP!" "HELP!" "HELP!" during your fray.  Definitely.

Your friend, always thinking of you,


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