[s-cars] Hard brake pedal - but the light is off. thoughts?

james McCarthy jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 1 23:33:13 EDT 2007


Returned to the s6 after a week away.  
Very hard pedal feel. Softens slightly after running
for 10 seconds or so The "brake" light behaves
normally - on for start up and off after 15 seconds or

When I stab the brakes the light flashes briefly -
this doesn't occur when I press it lightly.

So bomb?  The pedal becomes rock hard with just two
strokes in the bomb test.
But it's only 2 yrs old and if it is the bomb why
isn't the light on all the time and shouldn't I have
relativly normal braking when the car has been running
for several minutes?

The servo?
I disconnected the return line on the servo - no fluid
come out.
When I started it some fluid came out of the servo -
but how much is too much?

Pump is about 16 months old...

I'm tempted to do the bomb and a flush.


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