[s-cars] hard brake pedal - but the light is off. thoughts?

james McCarthy jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 2 18:27:42 EDT 2007

Last post seems to have been lost in cyberspace so
here it is again...   sorry if they both come through.

Hard Brake Pedal:
Returned after a week out of town.
Start the sedan and the brake pedal is rock hard.
Softens slightly (but not even close to normal) after
a minute. Remains very hard for 20 minutes of driving.

The red "brake" light goes off at the usual 15
seconds. It does flash briefly if I really stab the
brakes - doesn't come on with lighter pressure.
With very forceful application I can feel slight
pulsations in the pedal.
Bomb test - rock hard with one pump when the car is
Servo test - disconnected the return line to the
resivoir - no fluid draining. 
So I'm suspecting the bomb (only two yrs old) but
shouldn't the brake light be on all the time if the
bomb is bad and why doesn't the pedal pressure
normalize after driving?
Haven't been in the system recently but:
ps pump 1 year old
j hose - rebuilt 1 yr ago
ps to rack hose 6 months ago
FMIC 2 yrs ago

Planning a flush - inspection of the banjo bolts and a
new bomb.

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