[s-cars] Coils anyone??

BRUCE MOCK bkeemock at msn.com
Wed Jun 13 00:51:05 EDT 2007


I've been with this fine group _almost_ since its beginning... I'm at my wits end here.  My '93 S4 is bucking under higher boost levels - classic bad coil symptoms.  I def do not have a boost leak or bad plugs.  I have a weak coil but I am not able to diagnose it to which ONE of the 5 - and my trusty mechanic is saying "let's just replace all 5!  It'll be around a thousand bucks"  Bull.

There must be someone on the list here that has converted to the new style coils - that still has their old-style coils lying around.  Would one of you be willing to sell me one or even several coils?   (I'm now thinking I may actually have more than one bad one in the mix) 

Thanks so much

'93 S4

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