[s-cars] Thought-provoking stuff.......NAC, but all Car stuff.

Jim Fleischer jim at activelifestylemassage.com
Thu Jun 14 15:23:40 EDT 2007

Hey guys,

I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed their thoughts and opinions 
on this matter.  Every response has had some merit, and I think that it is 
important that all of us, being car freaks, keeps their hand in this 
important topic.  I personally have learned a great deal from the engineers 
in the group, and continue to be dismayed by the politicians who say they 
are for alternative energy, then punish those who take the chance and make 
things happen for themselves.  It's great to know that there are ready made 
kits for 914's and Rabbits out there as well, and vehicles like the Tesla. 
I think it will be up to the small entrepreneur to tackle this issue, 
because it is obvious, at least to me, that we will not be able to rely on 
our government and the major auto manufacturers (at least the US ones) to do 
what is right by the environment anf the American people.  I also realize 
that there will be no way the average American will change their energy 
consumption habits until there is a cataclysmic economic or environmental 
event.  Here in Montana, the mentality is still "my truck is bigger than 
yours," as it probably is everywhere else in middle America.

I'd hate for this thread to die, because I'd like to think we all have 
something to gain from discussions such as this.  I invite everyone to chime 
in on this matter at any time in the future, because the future is all we 
have to look forward to.  Thanks again for the intelligent 
discussion.......now I've got to go find myself a usable 914 shell ; )

Best regards,

Jim Fleischer
'95 S6 avant
'91 200TQ
'83 ur
mid 70's 914 EV (Someday......; )

PS.  Just saw an advertisement today for the new Toyota Camry 
Hybrid.......maybe someone gets it after all....... 

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