[s-cars] Brake Fluid Equalizer

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Mon Jun 18 18:24:38 EDT 2007

cobram at juno.com wrote:
> It's not a common Audi failure point but has shown up on the list
> once in a while.  Yours sounds like it was gummed up, or you might
> have had a blocked line (Monday night quarter backing here.)  You
> might have been able to clean it out and put it back....but that's if
> you were doing  it yourself, if you're paying a tech they'll just
> change it 99% of the time.

I think more accurately it's not a commonly noticed failure. 4 out of 6 type 
44's that I've owned have had a seized proportioning valve, it's just that 
you don't really notice until you play with it while on a lift and realise 
the plunger is stuck all (or most) of the way in.

I don't think it's something most mechanics will check without any 
complaints or symptoms. He should have seen the brake disc rust and looked 
arround, but if he wasn't familiar with older Audi's he likely wouldn't even 
be aware of what exactly that little spring loaded device was, let alone how 
or why it works.

-Cody Forbes
'87 5ktq - Fast.
'86 5ktqCD
'86 5k
'86 5k 

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