[s-cars] major NAC - cool car(s)

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Jun 19 08:39:37 EDT 2007

Figured I'd prod here as you just never know, and, well, because I'd
love to see someone I know scoop this up to keep it around.  Life before
Audi (BA) had me in some MB's and I'll always dig them.  My buddy's
buddy is selling his <cherry> '95 E320 Cabriolet.  Rare car!!!  Only few
hundred in each of '93 / '94 / '95 I believe with very few '95s.  Always
dug them, 'twas actually verrrrrry high up on my final-cut list to
replace der UrS6 but then the //S8 came up and well here we are.  

HA!  I forgot - this car was @ //SFest '02 and/or '03 - forget - so some
of ya's have fingerbanged it.  Ubercool Burgundy / Parchment (tan), and
here's the kicker...  38k miles.  These new in '93 were 500E money at
ALL of $80k.  INSANE!

Anywho, I think high $19k does it not pos tho - I do know he wants out
sooner than later.  My gut is it's a low-mid 20's car easy.  Just don't
find them in that year / color / mileage combo, and NOT at that dollar.

Anyanywho, HTH somebody, OSASAT - I think.  Email me for pics / contact

Back to your unregularly nonscheduled deprogramming...

-Paul W124 MB's rock K.

ps.  well gee if maybe that's not yer fancy maybe you'd fancy a $49k '89
19k serviced and clean silver / red Testarossa?  8-)  MUWHAhahahahaa,
pardon.  Stay looney tooned on *that* one - Hardened Potenza RE71
Schmokeyschmoke Round Duex?

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