[s-cars] a/c compressor leaking oil

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 19 12:08:34 EDT 2007

I don't believe an AC compressor can leak just oil, if it leaks
it leaks freon.

Isn't there an oil sensor behind the AC compressor?
I seem to recall this oil sensor to be prone to cracking and leaking.

I'd suggest taking a second look....of course somone will probably 
point out that I'm wrong on this in some way! :-)


--- tr0910 <tr0910 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Several years ago, I had my AC recharged and was about to do it
> again, but
> now see an oil leak on the garage floor and it appears to be coming
> from the
> AC compressor.  Makes me wonder if its worth recharging?  Can I just
> disconnect it?
> If I just leave it alone, what is the chance of the compressor
> seizing at
> some lousy time?
> Tim in MI
> 93 S4 170K
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