[s-cars] Climate Control - Damn the Snowflake

manuelsanchez at starpower.net manuelsanchez at starpower.net
Mon Jun 25 07:57:42 EDT 2007


I checked those other 2 channels as well, they checked out OK as well (both last year and this year).



---- Original message ----
>Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 20:24:25 -0400
>From: Vincent Frégeac <s.sikss at gmail.com>  
>Subject: RE: [s-cars] Climate Control - Damn the Snowflake  
>To: <manuelsanchez at starpower.net>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>Hi Manny,
>IIRC, there is some malfunctions that would switch off the compressor (aka
>snowflake off) while not triggering a fault code in the channel 1. These
>malfunctions can be identified in the channels 52 and 53 with the help of
>the guide on the 12v.org site.
>You should give a look to these channels too.
>Regarding the 8.7 code, a blocked temp flap will simply blow the same mix of
>cold and hot air whatever the difference between actual cabin temperature
>and desired temperature cabin. This will usually translate in freezing
>driver in winter and boiling driver in summer, but this doesn't affect the
>compressor and snowflake display. But since you had since code, it would be
>a good idea to open the temp flap servo and recondition the brushes and
>contactor in the little engine there's here. I've posted something on this
>subject on the list years ago but I'm overloaded in June as usual, so no
>time to go through the 5 years of S-Cars archives. To make a long story
>short, remove and open the temp flap servo as per the write-up there is
>somewhere on the audifans site, open the motor by pulling the two tab with a
>small flat screwdriver, then clean the black deposit on the motor brushes
>and contactor using the eraser of a pencil (you need the kind of cheap, sand
>paper like, eraser found usually on pencils. A nice, smooth erase such as
>the Steadlers won't work. Beside, the eraser on a pencil has a diameter
>close to the contactor diameter which help cleaning the brushes without
>changing their shape. Be cautious when you remove parts from the motor, most
>of them are very small and love to jump into the most remote hidden places
>of your work area.
>If you need me to find my write-up on flap servo motor refurbishing, you
>should contact me once in July when I'll have more time available. BTW, you
>can also search for information about reconditioning motors in electric RC
>cars. That's how I learned the best tricks about reconditioning electric
>-----Message d'origine-----
>De : manuelsanchez at starpower.net [mailto:manuelsanchez at starpower.net] 
>Envoyé : 22 juin 2007 09:13
>À : djdawson2 at aol.com; munrof at sympatico.ca; rit_bellis at hotmail.com;
>s-car-list at audifans.com; s.sikss at gmail.com
>Objet : Re: [s-cars] Climate Control - Damn the Snowflake
>Fellow S-heads,
>I checked all the codes in the CC Head per the 12v.org site (Thanks Vincent)
>Currently there were no stored codes in any of the channels that would list
>faults, such as Channel 1, System Malfunction. Channel 1 read 00.0.
>I found some old paper work in my records where I had done this a year or so
>ago, and the code stored in Channel 1 back then was:
>8.7-Temperature Regulator Flap-Sporadic Block
>Would the 8.7 code cause the snowflake to come on and off (I somehow think
>that would be an unrelated symptom, like when I occasionally would get hot
>air coming thru the vents even with the climate control blower off)?
>I checked the channel for the compressor speed (Channel 29) relative to
>engine speed (Channel 28) and with the multiplier (Compressor=1.28 x engine
>speed) all seems fine. I am correct in assuming that if there were ever a
>discrepancy between the 2 speeds a code would show up somewhere in the
>system diagnostics or are these 2 channels like the channel that display the
>speed of the car, an actual value at that specific moment in time that is
>not stored? In other words, when the snowflake goes off the next time, I'll
>need to toggle to those channels to see if at that exact moment the speed
>differential exceeds the stated 1.28 multiplier value?
>Thanks again for any insights.
>95.5 UrS6 Avant (Flaky Snowflake)

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