[s-cars] Clutch pedal won't come back out

tr0910 tr0910 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 23:07:32 EDT 2007

Arrived home with only a brake light showing, and likely a few metal
shavings in the bottom of the tranny.

Thanks to those who offered to personally pick me up as well as all
the excellent advice for diagnosing and fixing.  Where else can you
get real time advice emailed to your cellphone while trying to fix her
on the roadside.  It's you all that make driving Miss Piggy possible.

Tomorrow we check it out.

On 6/28/07, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
> Good advice here, Tim.
> You certainly want to check the brake fluid level since you don't
> want to be without clutch and brakes.  If it is a leak, master leaking
> on your foot or carpet or slave running down transmission side, but
> not too bad, minimize clutch use and nurse it home.  You should get
> a brake light before you run out of fluid.  Many just fail internally so
> you lose no fluid.  If there is a helpful brake shop on the road, a low
> pressure bleed (10 psi) to flush may help if you can't manage otherwise,
> but I wouldn't expect much, and would only consider it as a last resort
> to get home.
> The replacements are available as aftermarket parts of good quality
> at a fraction of dealer cost.  It is a DIY job of some difficulty and
> a job
> you want to do at home, so nurse it home if at all possible.
> This is a one time job for both car and driver, so most of the
> replacements
> are first time jobs.  You should find lots of helpful hints in the
> audifans
> knowledge base and email archives.  A thorough job would be to replace
> both and then pressure bleed the system.  Flush the brakes while you are
> doing it.  The slave cylinder may look impossible, but it is the
> easiest of the
> two.  The master link is attached to the clutch pedal and the line
> goes through
> the firewall, so you can sort of imagine your position during this work.
> Tom
> -----Original message-----
> > Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:31:04 -0400
> > From: David Kase <davekase at pdqlocks.com>
> > Subject: Re: [s-cars] Clutch pedal won't come back out
> > To: tr0910 <tr0910 at gmail.com>
> > Cc: s-car-list List <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> > Message-ID: <4683AA08.2000107 at pdqlocks.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> >
> > Yep, sounds like master or slave cylinder.  I believe the slave is the
> > more common failure.
> >
> > Not dealer only but you may need to find an import auto parts dealer,
> > not just a discount chain.
> >
> > Make sure there is fluid in there.  You may be able to get a couple
> > "clutches" out of it if you fill it up.
> >
> > 600 miles?  If its highway, I would try to fill the reservoir, pump
> > the
> > clutch and get it going in 5th.  Then just drive accordingly.  Fix it
> > home tomorrow.
> >
> > I personally have no idea how hard it is to get to the slave
> > cylinder on
> > the Ur but I bet its a bitch in a parking lot.
> >
> > Wait for some more Ur specific advise from the list.
> >
> > Dave Kase
> >
> >
> >
> > tr0910 wrote:
> >
> >> It started to behave like a mechanical linkage problem but once I
> >> looked at it, master or slave cylinder seems likely.  Reverse gear is
> >> the worst.  Since you rarely let the clutch completely out, it fails
> >> every time.  Shifting other gears may work.
> >>
> >> Are master / slave cylinder a dealer only part?
> >>
> >> How big a job is the replacement as a do it yourself project?
> >>
> >> Tim (600 mi from home and hoping to be home tonight)
> >>
> >> (thank goodness for cell phones with list access)
> >>
> >> On 6/27/07, tr0910 <tr0910 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Clutch has started misbehaving.  Push the clutch into the floor,
> >>> and it
> >>> stays there.  Won't come back out.  Finally figured out if your
> >>> pull it back
> >>> out with your toe, that it heals itself.
> >>>
> >>> Is this a known issue?
> >>>
> >>> Tim
> >>> 93 S4 170K (clutch replaced at 90K)
> >

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