[s-cars] ABS troubleshooting?

Harold McComas HaroldMcComas at comcast.net
Sat Jun 30 09:26:13 EDT 2007

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to 
troubleshoot my ABS. My Brake and ABS lights are constantly on. In the past 
they both would come on  when starting the car and sometimes restarting the 
car they would be off.  Several times I started the car they were off and 
then when driving along they both would come on. Fluid level is fine, brake 
operation felt normal.

Both lights are on now and since then I did a BBK upgrade. Flushed the PS 
and brake fluid, Big Reds, SS lines and a new bomb put in at the time. Same 
thing the brake and ABS lights constantly on. My mechanic seems to think 
that it might be the ABS controller ( under the hood with the hydraulic 
lines going to it). This is of course just speaking with him, not trouble 
shooting yet.  I know there are a couple of relays on the controller, I am 
going to check those. Maybe a little Stabiliant on the harness connectors. 
Anybody BTDT on this?

Manchester, NH
96 S6 

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