[s-cars] Q7 ramblings

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 07:43:40 EST 2007

MMI and iDrive both are terrible interfaces, period.

Try manually tuning the radio- you have to go through 3 or 4 menus just to
there, then the tuning is not done via the dial (which would actually make
but rather by "selecting" the forward or backward "button" on the screen and
pressing the controller.

Nav is much easier to use via touchscreen interface- I've used BMW, Audi,
Dodge, Acura, Infiniti and Lexus nav systems and the touchscreen is far
easier to use than
any cursor or button interface.

Also, it's just brilliant design to place the cupholder right next to the
MMI dial- if you spill
liquids, you're looking at a multi-thousand dollar repair bill- it's
happened to a bunch of
A8 customers at my old dealership- they were really pissed when Audi
wouldn't pick up the


On 2/28/07, Ez Veedub <ezveedub at hotmail.com> wrote:
> 10 minutes to turn down HVAC. Sounds a bit exaggerated. MMI takes some
> getting used to, but I believe its a lot better than iDrive. Once you get
> to
> know the panel, and you go back a regular car, you find its a lot harder
> in
> a regular car. Its some what like a keyboard. Once you know where all the
> buttons and functions, you usually don't have to look anymore or reach all
> over the dash try to adjust different controls.
> Ezveedub

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