[s-cars] 200 20v wobble in wheel

Abe Berman yellowcuda at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 14:30:40 EST 2007

Posting for a friend, please cc: Keith directly as he is not subscribed:
Can anyone help with this new problem I'm having with my '91 200TQ20V?

Here are the symptoms:  A little wobble in the steering wheel at low
speeds, which quickens along with MPH.  At highway speeds in a
straight line, it's just an annoying vibration--like a bent rim or a
tire going bad.  But I'm on the bullet proof stock 15"ers.  Could be a
tire, I guess they are old Hakk 1s, but I've checked the front ones
out pretty carefully and they look even and good treat still.  Worst
symptom:  Above, say, 50 mph, maybe less even, take a long curve
toward the right side--just that certain amount of turn--goes away
with too much or two little turn of the wheel--but when you hit that
certain amount of turn at speed, the vibration turns to a rather
alarming thunking which is fast (corresponding to wheel rotations).
Sounds and feels like loose lug nuts at that point.  But I've checked!
 They're all secure.  Reminds me of an inner half axel (inner CV
joint?) problem I've had twice with a '90 Saab 900.  Thing could all
of a sudden seem like it was going to shake itself to pieces.  But
then it would go away for a while.  Would feel like a big chunk of ice
frozen to one side of inner wheel (which it was once).  But it's not
that in this case.  In Saab's case though, I don't think it was as
specific to the amount of turn.  Also, with the current Audi 200
problem, it's so constant.  Doesn't come and go.  The low-speed wobble
and the high speed  pretty much always there.  It's in the shop for
alignment (which it needed anyway--good luck to them, since it doesn't
have a strut tower bar) anyway, since it has a new tie rod end.  They
say everything feel tight up front.  They think it could be a strut???
 I could see that if it's in conjunction with a failing tire maybe.
Guess I'll switch on my summer wheel/tires to see if that eliminates
it.  But I'm mainly wondering if anyone has had experience with
failing half axles/inner CV joints, if if there were similar sympoms.


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