[s-cars] High Pressure Hydarulic Hose (J-Hose part number

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Mon Mar 12 11:42:29 EDT 2007

Jamu rocked:

<<<Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:48:54 -0400
From: "James Murray \(QB/EMC\)" <james.murray at ericsson.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] High Pressure Hydarulic Hose (J-Hose part number

Sean, yes! you're right on the money! 
Thanks to Tom Green who offered to "J-hose" me up with a HOH spare
replacement... power to the list, you rock!

Sir James-

Be aware if you don't recall reading that many / most HoH users
experienced a notably more "audible" (or is that audi able?) power
steering upon install of one of their rebuilt hoses.  Now, I did both so
cannot comment on if it's one vs. the other that gives it a propensity
to emit noise (and "some" feel through the wheel).  

Enough to give a @#$% about vs. the cost savings???  Not a friggin
chance.  Just don't be surprised, 'tis all.

Oh, and, nottttttttttt that you (or anyone else mit 1/2 a brain) would
do such - but - be SURE you use ***new*** crush washers.  Oh and that
none "fall off" when you go to install - or you'll end up doing the
"Baloney trans" multi-install as I did.  "Fun".


'01 //S8 ps on der Alumibitch makes odd creeking noise at veryvery cold
start - yup it's still an Audi
'84 4kq - for sale, with silent ps (and possibly the best steering feel
evah oddly enough)
'58 TR3 - mit 15" ps attached to interior end of steering column

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