[s-cars] New to S-Cars

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Mar 13 10:04:11 EDT 2007

Welcome Martin.

The first step to //SCar recovery is to acknowledge you have a 

You probably didn't know you have this problem, but it happened 
the first time you drove an Audi quattro.

Four Wheeler Magazine put it best, in August of 1982:

"I hope that I will soon forget the Audi Quattro. Until I do, I 
shall continue to worship that bitch goddess Success at the 
expense of friends, family, honesty and decency - anything to be 
in a position to have one. The Quattro is evil, an insidious witch 
in the guise of state-of-the-art engineering, a circe who commands 
your obedience every waking moment and a succubus who haunts every 
dream. She's the seductress who recreates That First Time all over 
again, who snips all your tethers to innocence and changes your 
life forever."

I remember the very instant she got me. I had decided to sell my 
'99 Range Rover and buy an S6. I had already purchased a '96 A6 
quattro wagon for my wife, but it hadn't *really* gotten under my 

So I went out and test drove a slightly modified S6 sedan. Tooling 
around town the seductress lay in wait. However, when I hit an 
entrance ramp and put my foot down on the go pedal, she bit me, 
and hard. In the blink of an eye, I was going more than 100 and 
deeply smitten.

I've bought 4 Audis since then, and even my son, who has not yet 
driven an s-car, was bitten. He bought his first quattro even 
before he had a driver's license. And my daughter, who just turned 
14, has already decided what color TT she wants!

Powerful stuff.

With regard to recovery (or at least capital preservation), the 
second step is to bury your wallet in the backyard, preferably 
someone else's back yard, preferably far away.

Alternately, you can enjoy the schuss down the slippery slope of 
//SCar upgrade mania. :)

Don't like something about your car? Just ask the list, someone 
has probably fabricated or programmed a fix...

Oh, and with regard to //SCar recovery... To the best of my 
knowledge, nobody has yet actually recovered. The evidence is the 
numbers of hangers' on like me, Pizzo and others who sold their 
s-cars years ago but can't imagine leaving this community.

Once you're here you can never leave!

'99 A6 quattro avant
'97 A6 quattro avant (son's)
'96 A6 quattro avant (wife's)

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