[s-cars] New Guy/S8

Steve Powers sbpowers at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 19:32:08 EDT 2007

Teddy -

> Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote: This is, after all, the "S-Car List." Never said anything about UrS4/S6.
> I don't see anything wrong about talking about B5/B6/B7 S4/RS4, the
> C5/C6 S6/RS6 or the D2/D3 S8. Or even the upcoming S5. Or R8. Or JNR. :-)
> i don't, either, but i distinctly recall people showing up talking about their biturbo S4s and being told to move on... to audiworld.

They're just not like us - they're different...



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