[s-cars] Anyone own a Cobra 75 WX ST? liked/dislike?

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Tue Mar 13 22:44:53 EDT 2007

Maxon makes a small unit in which the entire radio is in the 
microphone.  There is a small connection box which fits under the 
rear seat quite nicely and connects +12 volts, Mike, and 
antenna.  Nice little setup which works nicely in an s-car.  I can 
look up the model number if you want it.

At 10:01 PM 3/13/2007, chris chambers wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>Due to a long commute I take 2-3 times a week I am looking at getting a
>CB for my S4, . There isn't much space for a CB so after doing some
>research I've found the Cobra 75 WX ST
>Anyone own this? Looking for thoughts/opinons.
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