[s-cars] LAF Wed. Phototheater - //Scirocco, JNR viewing material, and lions and tigers and bears...
pkrasusky at ups.com
pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Mar 14 12:32:56 EDT 2007
...oh my!!!!
//Ssssssso... lest us nots forgets...
See, I was so //savy enough that I ensured a //Scirocco was prominently
featured at the first 2 //SFests oh yes. Jimmmaaaaaaay (pronounced ala
South Park "Timaaaaay!!!!") Norris here has what's GOT to be the f'n
coolest f'n 16v and that just had to be part of the fun. You can just
see it here peeping out from the tent in the lower right corner. Note
also Rich A's aforementioned Coupe GT in front - that was a f'n clean
car too.
Jimmmaaaaay also brought his green 500E to both those years at my house,
then the subsequent 3 //SFests but sans Rocco due to then remote
location. And, HA! Found out whilst changin me oil last night over
some Scotchyscotch with Jimmy that he's a Lister here since buying
wifely's Smallroad 2 years ago. Who knew??? Do your best now to
frickin' OUT him here... about frickin' time Jimmaaaaaaay.
For those who haven't met Jimmmaaaaaay, get to know him here:
I assure you this isn't a //stunt double. And yes that's a Maybach 63.
Just prior to eminent repeated thorough Dr. Jellyfingerstyle violation.
Oddly enough, that's one of the top viewed pics on me website. Pervs.
In OTHER news (and continuing the NAC - d'oh!)... whatwith the influx
of new arrivals here to the List, and for those who things just go
wayway over yer heads despite the most obvious / overt efforts...
fiiiiiiiiiinally made public and for your viewing displeasure, here's a
little Just Not Right Chronology - MUWahahahahahaaa. Hide women /
children - material not suitable for the squeamish:
got candlepower???
Partial Team JNR official team photo...
Got cheese? The XJ8 had 250mi on the odo remember - d'oh - (this alone
pretty much sums up the Genesis of JNR for all those who couldn't figure
it out)
S60 45psi? Sure... on the way to 60 that is...
S60 not nearly XJ8 grated but...
LS V8 - requisite JNR material - check...
LS V8 cheesegrated...
Remember, the above is purely conjecture and hearsay, conjecture and
Ah, OK, I'm starting to feel badly (read: no I'm not), some Mandatory
Audi Content:
full stable here last fall...
And for those who may have got my "you might rabbit" comment
yesterday... Beebleybeeebleybeeebley That's All Folks!!!
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