[s-cars] The Audi Gods have struck once again!

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Thu Mar 15 11:19:47 EDT 2007

Hash: SHA256

Don't forget, the pulling the fuel injector trick was devised back in  
the day when the spark plugs on the running motor were inaccessible.

Now, with the 1.8T coils, you could pull either an injector plug or a  
coil on the running motor. Bear in mind, if you pull the coil and  
leave the injector, you'll be running unburnt fuel thru the system,  
potentially clogging the kitty. However, if you do have a roached  
coil, you're doing that anyway.

So, with the 1.8T coil upgrade, if you can identify a likely coil  
failure at idle by pulling the injector plug, you can now verify it  
by also pulling the 1.8T coil for the same cyl and going for a drive.  
If you can't identify a likely culprit at idle, you could pull both  
the injector plug and coil for cyl 1, go for a ride, see if that's  
it, if not, pull over, plug them back in, unplug both for cyl 2, go  
for a ride, etc. This should allow you to isolate the failing coil  
pretty easily, without dirtying your suit.

Another point to remember, the 1.8T coils need to be modified to fit  
the AAN, with some of the plastic requiring removal to fit into the  
spark plug hole. Not something to attempt in the parking lot in a suit.


- -Ian Duff.

On  15 Mar 2007, at 10:41:28AM, Dave Forgie wrote:

> John:  If you are not getting a noticeable miss at idle, finding the
> dead/dieing 1.8 t 115L coil may be difficult.  The normal "trick"  
> is to
> remove the plastic injector/fuel rail cover and then
> disconnect/reconnect the electrical plugs to the injectors, one at a
> time. If the idle gets worse when you remove a connector, its not that
> cylinder.  If the idle smoothness does NOT get worse, then you have
> found the culprit.  I suspect it will be 3, 4 or 5 (middle, towards  
> the
> back) due to heat issues.  Especially if No.5 was not pointed away  
> from
> the firewall, there is more likelihood of trapping heat in it.
> Dave F.

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