[s-cars] old or diversity

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Fri Mar 16 17:20:12 EDT 2007

Hash: SHA256

Scott, you can't be old enough to be THAT predictable. So your  
daughter's a pretty adroit social engineer? Or did she hack into your  
net? In either case, time to be very careful! Perhaps past time, as  
it is for me! Given my kids fondness for toys that allow social  
exchange, IM, mobile phones, MySpace, etc, as well as toys that  
enhance those social exchanges, guitar, piano, bikes, skateboards,  
etc, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Some new  
toys, but for all the same reasons.

Now to convince my kids that VAG products are better to start off in  
than those from Göteborg, Munich or Dearborn, not to mention trying  
to figure out whether to take them to Skippy or Russell or Bondurant  
to teach them to drive, rather than the vehicular appliance training  
they get locally.

- -Ian.

On  16 Mar 2007, at 2:13:39PM, QSHIPQ at aol.com wrote:

> Er, defines an age vs trivia thing more likely Ian.  I appreciated my
> Sciroccos, my GLHturbo, and my audis.  Not only for what they were,  
> but
> specifically what they were not.  As my daughter took only  
> 15minutes to  hack into my
> SSID and password, I suspect 25 years from now their version  of  
> trivia will be
> much more complicated than ours ever were.
> Scott
> In a message dated 3/16/2007 11:54:53 A.M. Central Standard Time,
> iduff at comcast.net writes:
> However, anything's possible. Especially as this  list has gone  
> from escargo
> to Scirocco to goes like hell to wifi in the blink of  an eye.  
> pretty cool, if
> you ask me. speaks to a diversity of interests, all  bound together  
> by hating
> to love our s-cars. Or do I have that  backwards?
> -Ian.

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