[s-cars] NAC-Motor Trend Police Car Comparison

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Thu Mar 22 10:26:35 EDT 2007

And my last speeding ticket was from a city cop who simply lied about 
my speed.  I saw him sitting on a side road and checked my 
speedo.  It read 42 mph in a 40 mph zone.  My GPS read 41.8 mph at 
the same time.  The cop swore he radared me doing 51.  BullSh**!  My 
V1 didn't even go off until I was a good quarter mile beyond where he 
was located and by then I was doing 29 in a 30 mph zone.

At 09:44 AM 3/22/2007, Bill Noland wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
>RE: NAC-Motor Trend Police Car ComparisonExactly. My last ticket 
>(last, as in most recent, not last, as in I will never speed again) 
>was in the dark, after an especially long day at work. Gee, thanks, 
>officer. Didn't feel so bad getting popped at night. Had I let the 
>Crown Vic sneak up on me in the daylight hours, it would have felt 
>like getting beat up by a Girl Scout. Totally humiliating.
>lickin' my wounds and enjoying a GS cookie in Oakland
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: pkrasusky at ups.com
>   To: s-car-list at audifans.com ; wenoland at pacbell.net
>   Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 8:34 AM
>   Subject: RE: NAC-Motor Trend Police Car Comparison
>   Man oh man, has THIS become quite the challenge here in CT.  Da 
> MAN's recent use of said ultra-low-profile light bar has rendered 
> them *rather* tough to get a make on from afar from afast.  Esp. @ 
> frickin' NIGHT.  And the bastards now run in "color of the road" 
> grey and some in basically cammy green Crown Turds.  Makes them 
> very tough to spot.  Not only the low profile rack mind you but 
> also more often sans rack but low profile winkers on the rear 
> deck.  Tucked in tight to each side of the CHMSL, I have a tough 
> time telling if it's seatbelt retractor humps or winkers nowadays.  F'n LAME.
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