[s-cars] Subject: Re: NAC-Motor Trend Police Car Comparison

Paul DAnneo padanneo at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 22 12:15:08 EDT 2007

Well I can chime in too.
  On a road trip threw Nevada to Utah on Hwy 50 leading into Eureka Nv.  Cruise set at 95. Crest a rize and into 2-3 mile straight stretch of nothingness, 2 cars in front of me doing maybe 80. I start to pass as my passenger notices a vehicle sitting off the side of the road about a half mile ahead. With my keen vision I pick it out as a pick up truck. Knowing that 99.9 of Nevada HP's are sedans I think nothing of it and keep crusing. As we pass it, I see the star on the door, damit!! Sherriff!! He pulls out on to the hwy behind the 2 cars I just passed. He pulls them over.. I'm thinking cool... Then he pulls out again with lights rolling. But he keeps getting smaller and smaller, so now I'm contimplating what to do. I set the cruise at 70 (speed limit), but he's not getting any closer....hmmm, keep going? My better sence gets ahold of me and we pull over and wait. Maybe 2 minutes pass and he pulls up behind. Walks up to the car and Says "thanks for stoping. Clocked you
 passing those cars at over 90." he looks back and askes for a few seconds. He steps into the road and flags down the 2 cars he had pulled over earlier before they pass. They pull over infont of us 100 yards ahead. Sherriff looks at me " It would really help me if you would pull up to those 2 cars ahead" He's got my drivers license so we ablidge. 
  Longer story shortened, he writes me down to 75, a "waisting fuel" ticket. $45.00. He lets us go before writing the other tickets. Lucky, lucky.
  Many happy rides...

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