[s-cars] Subject: Re: NAC-Motor Trend Police Car

Pollock, Thomas thomas.pollock at amd.com
Thu Mar 22 16:15:30 EDT 2007

As far as speeding tickets go.

At least you guys are paying for "your own enjoyment"....

My two oldest sons are still being carried on my insurance and "I" get dinged for "their" tickets !   Even after a recent hear to heart with number one son, just this past Sat while shuffling cars in the driveway in order to plow it out, I found a nice new shiney speeding ticket on the passenger seat. wtf?  And it gets worse.... went to renew my license and step up to the window and find out I can't renew till I pay three unpaid parking tickets at the local college ! (sons girlfriends school)  double wtf?

rumor is I'll be paid back for the above but I'm not holding my breath... 



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