[s-cars] 95 S6 Ignition Switch Recall

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Thu Mar 22 18:19:33 EDT 2007

There have been many folks on this list that have had the ignition
switch and the fuel line recall done by the dealer--once.  Some have
had the problem a second time with no recourse to the recall.  The
dealer should provide you with records to show if the recall has been
completed on the vehicle.  You can see the later fuel line recall  
they cut the old line and left it in place and routed a new line  
higher up.

I would ask Andrew at 2Bennett for the supportive dealers in the area.
I thought Niello was one of them, but I have no personal knowledge.
Otherwise, the regional Audi rep or Audi NA may be the means to
get help.  Was this an Audi dealer where you purchased the car ?  If so,
I believe they are required to check that all recalls are completed on
Audi vehicles before they are sold.  Some states have that requirement
as well, so that can be some additional leverage.

The parts are not expensive as others stated, however the labor will add
up if you don't do your own work.

Copies of both recalls are on the s-cars. org web site if the dealer  
is not
familiar with the recall.  :-)

What exactly are the "things" that are spinning and by " isn"t cranking"
you mean the engine doesn't turn at all but you hear the starter run?

Tom  '95 S6
           '95.5 S6 avant
           Knoxville, TN

> Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 11:00:50 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Gregory Wolters <gjwarch at sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: [s-cars] 95 S6 Ignition Switch Recall
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <909229.76254.qm at web83306.mail.sp1.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hi to everyone,
> I need help.  I found a 95 S6 for sale in Colorado.
> Worked out a deal and had the car trucked here to
> Northern CA.  The guy unloading it mentioned that he
> had a bit of a problem getting it to start.
> When I started it to drive it home the key tried to
> stay stuck in the start position and I had to turn it
> back manually to get the starter to stop spinning.  It
> took a couple of times to get it to catch.
> Now the car won't start at all, things are spinning
> but the engine isn't cranking.  I think the starter is
> trashed because of the ignition switch thing.
> I did some research and my car is within the VIN range
> for the recall.  I found all kind of documentation on
> the NHTSA site.  Shows the steps to make the repair,
> stated that the owner shall be given a loaner car,
> Audi shall make the repair no matter how much time has
> past, etc.
> So, I call Niello Audi in Sacramento.  It is amazing
> that their records show that my car is not part of the
> recall.
> What do I do now?  I'm talking to the dealer and told
> them what I want is for them to pay for the starter
> and Audi to pay for the ignition switch recall (and
> maybe the fuel line recall).  The dealer I bought it
> from had given me a "check list" done on the S6 and
> the category "Starter Cranking" has a check in the OK
> box.
> Has anyone been successful with getting Audi to honor
> a recall?
> Thanks to everyone... I'm glad this list exists!
> Greg
> 94 S4
> Nevada City, CA

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