[s-cars] Off with the drive shaft

Mark Turczyn mkturczyn at verizon.net
Thu Mar 22 22:16:39 EDT 2007

Fellow hands on S head, in chasing down my drive line shutter, the 
weather got warm enough to check out my drive shaft.  Jacked up the 
front end, crawled under the S and dropped the 6000 pound stock 
exhaust and dragged it from under the S like a dead rhino.  I forgot 
how heavy these guys are-- the S must be an inch higher.

After pulling off all of the aluminum shields and other nicknacks, I 
got a good look and feel of the drive shaft.  I first looked at the 
center bearing--- no rubber delaminate or tears.  The rubber is much 
much softer then I thought it would be.  More like a rubber 
diaphragm.  Anyone have any thoughts on this.

I pulled back the front CV and yes the grease was dry as a bone.

So the shaft has to come off.

So I do not have the magic tool--  I pulled out an old four foot 
aluminum level and I can see possibilities using 2.75 exhaust 
clamps.---But do I need to??

Chris at Force 5 and Blau say just to mark the position of the 
bracket and make sure you use the original shim from each side.  I 
consider this coming from the horses mouth but I am open to more 

Who has pulled their drive shaft and reworked it?  Going over posts I 
only see the results of a CV rebuild but no step by step installation 
write ups.   I saw a write up on having to press off the CV joint -- 
I assume that the center universal helps get into a normal size press.

Any advice-- been there, done that first hand tips.

It is going to rain the next few days so I hope the advice will pour 
in over the weekend.


Mark Turczyn

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