[s-cars] 1.8T coilpack coversion

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Fri Mar 23 18:00:15 EDT 2007

Harold:  Worth investigation.  However, from the vortex thread, I am
confused about the coils.  AFAIK, the bolt down 1.8t coils were three
pin with external POSs (like our OE 351A units). I haven't visited the
actual ECS website yet (still at work).

Dave F. 

>>> "Harold McComas" <HaroldMcComas at comcast.net> 03/23/07 02:48PM >>>
Has anybody ever tried the Hitachi coilpacks? I remember reading on
some people had problems with the Bremi "L" coil and hopefully solved
running the R coils. According to ECS, a direct drop in : 

I am currently running stock stuff right now.

Harold M
96 S6 

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