[s-cars] Kids the culprit of screwed up door handle ??

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Thu Mar 29 17:46:47 EDT 2007

Vincent & Darren, 
Like your comment about the door handle problem cause.... I have had a couple of door handle
problems, all related to the back pasenger door with non thinking kids going in and out.  It usually
happens right after a friend of my daughter has been in the back seat.... I suspected either too
much force on the inside handle or letting it snap back into retracted position.... I think you may
have it right.  Mine has been good for quite a while ... oops, I have likely just infected the list
or myself... we all know how that goes, sorry.... 
Anyway, watch those kids, they are hard on our fragile door handles!  

Randy 96//S6



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