[s-cars] Driveshaft Shudder & Squeal

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 31 12:47:03 EDT 2007

how did you find that old post?

for example, if i go to audifans and type "driveshaft shudder", i don't
get any of the posts that have been made on this topic recently.

if i go to google and search for 
"driveshaft shudder site:www.audifans.com/pipermail/s-car-list"
i still don't find any of these posts.


--- keithbedard at verizon.net wrote:

> I recently found an old post, which is EXACTLY the same two problems I have
> with my 1995.5 S6:
> 1.  shudder, or vibration, mostly noticeable on early take off in first or
> second. 
> 2.  a squeal that  sounds like fan against radiator while decelerating under
> load. 
> The post from 2004 is here:
> http://coimbra.ans.net/pipermail/s-car-list/2004-January/024473.html
> Tomorrow (Saturday), I will only have a couple of hours to try to diagnose
> the culprit.  Any ideas?  Hopefully Rich “Guzz” if you read this message,
> would be great to hear what the problem was
  Dried-out driveshaft front CV
> joint?  How do I diagnose if the driveshaft CV are bad?  I don’t think it is
> the driveshaft bearing, and exhaust does not appear to be touching
> driveshaft.
> Any experience, thoughts, or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Keith Bedard
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