[s-cars] MotoDyne

Gísli Óttarsson gislio at gmail.com
Sun May 6 20:28:56 EDT 2007

Is anyone familiar with MotoDyne? <http://www.motodyne.com>

I am intrigued by their claimed ability to massage the
S8,<http://www.motodyne.com/frames/audi_a8s8v8.html>specifically the
D2 <http://www.motodyne.com/frames/audi_a8%2520,a8l%2520&s8.html>, with
supercharger add-ons and 6 speed conversions.

I came across this
timeslip<http://www.dragtimes.com/Audi-S8-Timeslip-2708.html>and was
impressed by the 1/4 mile numbers.  Prices are not for the faint
hearted, though.



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