[s-cars] Replaced Ignition Switch and now Autocheck system is freaking out

Tom Winter tom at freeskier.com
Wed May 9 21:30:58 EDT 2007

Greetings brain trust:

Well I finally got around to replacing my ignition switch, and that was a
fast and easy job thanks to the KnowledgeBase write up by Chris Thorp and
Kent McLean.

However, like everything else happening this week in my life, one step
forward has led to two steps back.

The autocheck system is now flashing the "brake pad" symbol and the "oil"
symbol. And my temp gauge is dead. No problems or warnings prior to removing
instrument cluster with the autocheck or the temp gauge.

Of course, my oil pressure could be low, and my brake pads could be shot,
but I'm leaning towards the Audi Gods punishing me for my insolence in
thinking I could actually fix my own car.

Electronics are not my forte. I guess I could re-install the old ignition
switch to see if the one I have is creating the problems (the knowledgebase
write-up hints at electrical weirdness associated with the IS). But I'm
leaning towards the wiring for the instrument cluster being the culprit,

Ideas, suggestions and, best of all, solutions most appreciated.


'95 S6 Avant with the flaky flashing lights in da dash.

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