[s-cars] Lower control arms and alignment

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun May 20 22:47:11 EDT 2007

Generally speaking, if your ball joints are shot, there is no real way to do
an accurate
alignment due to wheel location slop.

So, to answer your question. Do the arms first, THEN do the alignment.

Sorry that it's not the answer you'd like to hear.


On 5/20/07, James Shackelford <93urs4 at rovershack.com> wrote:
> Hey, general question on alignments.  I need an alignment, but I also just
> discovered that my lower control arms balls are shot, so I am ordering
> control arms.  After I put new control arms on, do I need to get it
> realigned?  I am leaving next Friday for vacation, it needs an alignment,
> but also needs control arms.  Which to do first??? I can get the alignment
> tomorrow, but will order the control arms.
> Thanks,
> James
> FYI, did the front wheel bearings today, as well as installed BIRA sys 5
> brakes.  Those Big Reds grab!
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