[s-cars] transmission install help

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon May 21 14:47:54 EDT 2007


remove the pin and either have it machined to the smaller size on one
end or do as everyone else does and leave it out.

The mechanic left the pin out when we swapped in the trans into my car
and it's been fine.


--- Martin Baggenstos <martin.baggenstos at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>   Is there anyone here who has installed an EDU 6-speed in an urs6
> that
> could give some advice or let me know who to contact regarding
> installation.
> My mechanics are having some difficulties with installation and part
> of it
> is one of the dowels not fitting which I read that some leave it out?
> Any
> info I could pass onto them or someone for them to contact would be
> very
> helpful. Thanks.
> martin
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