[s-cars] the GB CPS how too install?

Vincent Frégeac s.sikss at gmail.com
Mon May 21 21:15:58 EDT 2007

You're right about the P/N, I checked all years and same P/N. But the Audi
part includes the bracket which makes both part interchangeable as the
difference is in how the sender attach to the bracket. That's probably why
they didn't change the P/N.

Regarding my hot start problem, I also suspect some fuel pressure issue,
either the fuel pump, the check valve or the FPR, hopefully the FPR as it's
the easiest to replace but I don't think the S-Bitch will be that kind to

Logically, I should have started with the fuel pressure, but my new fuel
pressure tester have been stuck at the customs for 2 weeks so I thought I
could do the CPS in the meantime, as I had the part in hands.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Dave Forgie [mailto:forgied at ae.ca] 
Envoyé : 21 mai 2007 20:16
À : s-car-list at audifans.com; Vincent Frégeac
Objet : RE: [s-cars] the GB CPS how too install?

Vincent:  I think there may have been a change in the actual sender from a
HKZ101 to a 2AVnnn (the CYHME56 like one) somewhere near the end of the AAN
run.  I know my 93 had the HKZ101 originally.  I checked KATE's family album
and 93 and 97 AAN's both have the same P/N 034 905 161 so that theory is not
supported directly.  Hot starting IS a CPS failing sign so its weird.
Somebody on the S2 forum has been getting his car to start by pouring cold
water in the vicinity of the CPS (to cool it down).  (Doesn't sound good to
me - except in a pinch).  Obviously, if you got a blink code (2113) it would
be the CPS.  Otherwise, the only other reason I can think of is a dieing
fuel pump.  But you have heard me pitch that one before.

Dave F. 

>>> Vincent Frégeac <s.sikss at gmail.com> 5/21/2007 4:50 PM >>>

The original CPS was looking like a CYHME56, but grey, while the new one was
like a CYHME301. Looking at the pictures on the BB Automacao website, it
seems that the two pins left on the bracket when I pried out the CPS were
part of the CPS, not part of the bracket. So, apparently, the solution to
drill out then use the 301 rivets seems to be the good one. 

On a side note, the S-Bitch still doesn't start when hot so the problem is
probably somewhere else. I don't know why I'm not that surprised :(


-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com 
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de Dave Forgie
Envoyé : 21 mai 2007 15:40
À : s-car-list at audifans.com 
Objet : [s-cars] the GB CPS how too install?

Vincent:  Thanks for the effort of doing that write up.  However, I
really am confused about your original CPS.  My original CPS had rivets
holding the sensor to the bracket, not glue.  The solution to add the BB
Automacao CYHME301:
is to drill out the OE rivet heads and add the BB Automacao sensor,
using something like a house door hinge pin to flatten out the BB
Automacao rivets.  That, and splicing the wires, color to color, is the
end of that step.  No glue or epoxy needed.
Dave F. 
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