[s-cars] replacing a coil pack BTDTs

Igor Kessel KBATPO at comcast.net
Wed May 23 14:45:50 EDT 2007

Bill Mahoney wrote:
> Igor effused
> “now is a good time to install 5 inline weather proof fuses into the 
> leads of all 5 coil packs. As Stefan and I have found out a shorted to 
> the ground coil pack will take out the main 15A fuse to the ECU thus 
> rendering the car inoperable.”
> Igor,
> Having btdt with this, I have had weather proof fuses for some time now with good success, i.e. no problems.
> That said, the tangle of wires is … well, a tangle of wires and surely not up to race car standard.
> Would someone know of perhaps a fuse panel of a nautical variety that could be mounted and hold 5 or 6 fuses?
> A circuit breaker would even be more elegant, but dunno if this would not be good performance wise for the coil application.
> Bueller?
> Electric Bill M
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actually my good friend Konstantin Bogach has done presicely this in his 
93 UrS4. He attached a rather elegant stationary fuse holder to the 
firewall. I am hoping he's going to chime in once he sees this thread.

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros

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