[s-cars] [urq] Head for your UrQ engine build

Bruce Bell bbell at surview.com
Fri May 25 02:45:35 EDT 2007

Yep, listen to Scott, modify the head. VW boys have been doing that since
'83 when they retrofitted GTI heads on earlier blocks. BTDT. In fact IIRC
you will lose CR with the MC head. Scott weren't the early heads a 27 cc (or
was it 25?) combustion chamber VS 30 for the hydraulic lifter heads on the 5
cyl?  I remember ending up with a mis-match of head and piston on my old '81
jetta and ended up shaving 1 mm (.040) from the head and carefully checking
piston to valve clearances with the new cam. 

-----Original Message-----
From: QSHIPQ at aol.com [mailto:QSHIPQ at aol.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:25 PM
To: shr42 at msn.com; brogers at terrix.com; urq at audifans.com;
s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] [s-cars] Head for your UrQ engine build

The gasket will not solve the problem of WXblock/MChead.  An MC head  will 
bolt onto the WX block, but neither head gasket will be correct.  See  my
from 5 days ago.
I've seen folks trying to use the gasket to solve the problem.  It  lasts a 
few months, then the unsupported part of the gasket material fails and  can 
cause catastrophic engine failure.  The easiest thing to do is modify  the
since that is already out of the car.
The direct bolt on hydraulic head for the WX block is the 1985 5000 turbo  
head with the WX head gasket.  86> 10vt heads require  modification.
Scott J
In a message dated 5/24/2007 5:01:55 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
shr42 at msn.com writes:

Brandon  , I was told that the MC-1 would fit the wx block  if I used the MC

Head  gasket.   I don't know what the machinist knows , as the shop owner
the only one who has contact with him--I do not...  I seem to remember  some

posts about water or oil passages, but no details.    I am  assuming that
gasket  somehow "solves" the problem by blocking off  some passages or 
something like that.   I hope I have it  right.   I don't want another
meltdown or the 
like!   Thanks for the imput ...           ...Stephen R.   '85Urq..   Oh, by

the way, if  it was you who told me about Ron Davis Radiators,  thanks... It

is  working quite well !-- no increase in water temps on all the dyno

In a message dated 5/19/2007 7:04:45 P.M. Central Standard Time, QSHIPQ  

In the  meantime, try to find a WX head to replace the one you have.  A 
5000turbo  head past 1985 here in the states will NOT bolt onto the WX block

without  modifications to either the block or the head.  For more on this,
get  both 
10vt gaskets (WX and MC), you will see what you need to do.  The 85  turbo 
head will give you hydraulic lfiters and allow you to use the WX head

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