[s-cars] [urq] Head for your UrQ engine build

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Sat May 26 00:00:25 EDT 2007

Figgrs Bell, Esq would know of that which I spoke in shop  obfuscations.  
Touche Bruce, HYH those in need...
In a message dated 5/25/2007 2:04:55 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
bbell at surview.com writes:

Yep,  listen to Scott, modify the head. VW boys have been doing that since
'83  when they retrofitted GTI heads on earlier blocks. BTDT. In fact IIRC
you  will lose CR with the MC head. Scott weren't the early heads a 27 cc  (or
was it 25?) combustion chamber VS 30 for the hydraulic lifter heads on  the 5
cyl?  I remember ending up with a mis-match of head and piston  on my old '81
jetta and ended up shaving 1 mm (.040) from the head and  carefully checking
piston to valve clearances with the new cam.  



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