[s-cars] Computer crash

Steve Powers sbpowers at gmail.com
Sat May 26 11:17:17 EDT 2007

Kent -
> Steve Powers wrote:
> > this video will better explain Bob's request...
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUNiDuEvenk
> A few years ago I went to see Frampton in concert.  Before the show
> the band did their tune-ups.  A bald headed guy walked on the stage.
> He started playing. It dawned on me (OK, shocked me) that my image
> of Frampton (long wild mane of hair) needed to be updated.

I also saw Frampton somewhat recently. In my case, 5 years ago at a
Monster Cable party in Minneapolis. I was surprised by his appearance.
Definitely not the Frampton of old. The voice was still there though.

Monster Cable has these dealer parties to award prizes and they all
feature artists from years gone by. They are hosted at large industry
trade shows like CEDIA and CES. Over the years I have been fortunate
enough to know someone who gets VIP passes to these things. I've seen
James Brown and Earth, Wind & Fire also. We sat in front for James
Brown and had F. Lee Bailey at our table.

Crazy times...



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