[s-cars] 2004 B6 //S4 Avant 6spd - headz up...

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue May 29 10:28:04 EDT 2007

Morning Ladies!

Anyone with potential interest in the above?  

Navy / platinum, 63k, brand new Conti2's, 1 owner - IMMACULATE CAR.
Killer combo, the thing strikes an awesome stance.  Great presence them
thar things got!  

I burned a number of miles in Pasqualooney's former silver one - man
whattan athletic car!!!  Very likeable combo - bigger than the B5's but
not tooooo big.  Waaaaaaaaaaay better feel, amazing interior, great
tactile feedback from all controls, inputs, etc.  Neat machines.

Think 26k - email me for more info.  

Stick Avants = rare find.  Clean ones even rarer.  Cheap clean stick
ones???  That aren't red or some other fugly color????????  

- Paul in CT K.

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