[s-cars] Oil Change Intervals -- was ticking- should i worry?

Bill Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Sat Nov 3 08:22:14 PDT 2007

Dave, longer intervals really seemed to come about with the advent of "free 
maintenance" on new cars. By jumping from 5k to 7.5k intervals, the 
manufacturers cut their costs by a third. Some have dragged it out to 10k 
between changes.

Sarge, the UrS sparkplugs do tend to loosen, as another lister mentioned. As 
they loosen, it sounds a lot like the lifter ticking, that you're 
experiencing. Check the plug tightness from time to time.

Listers, do yourself a big favor and consider changing the subject line, 
when you change the subject. Those performing future searches will love you 
for it.

Bill Noland
goin' back to lurk mode.........

> A lot of the oil change interval increases have been fueled by the car
> companies' attempt to appease the tree-huggers.  Larger interval means
> less waste oil.

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