[s-cars] POLE: wonderful dilema, S4 or Ultrasport?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 7 09:38:08 PST 2007

Made this decision earlier this year, moved the wife out of a 93 S4
to a 2002 Allroad with tiptronic.

Allroad is equipped with H sport swaybar and APR ecu flash.
She loves the car, hauls everything she want to (now), handles quite
well, in fact others say it's a sports car!

Allroad prices have DROPPED considerably, you could pick one up
for $16k. But I'd hold out for one with the lowest mileage possible,
and I'm going to purchase an extended warranty because they can be
prone to Turbo and Tranny problems.

Now the Allroad is also available in a manual trans version, but it's
not as readily available. 


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