[s-cars] POLE: wonderful dilema, S4 or Ultrasport?
Taka Mizutani
t44tqtro at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 05:47:36 PST 2007
I've heard about that issue, I'm personally not worried about it, but I'm
under warranty and plan on doing a 7/70 or 7/80 warranty next year so I'll
have three more years of warranty- the car will be sold before it goes out
of warranty.
DI cassettes are the ignition system in the 9-5- like the POS on the UrS.
When they go, the car is totally dead in the water. I know some people
chimed in with good experiences with the Saabs, but my mechanic stopped
working on Saabs a few years after the 900NG came out- that and the way the
used car values are on Saabs, I won't buy one. Those two events tell me that
they are not good used cars. I'll elaborate more off-list.
Not only is the IS300 Sportcross small, it's rare as hell, automatic-only,
RWD and really not that great of a car unless you're planning on doing a
JZA80 swap (Supra TT drivetrain).
On Nov 7, 2007 10:13 PM, Erik Addy <erikaddy at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Taka, the problems I see on volvospeed.com are fractured angle gears (the
> 90 deg take off the tranny for AWD) and some spline problems in the same
> area. When this happens, no more AWD. Big $$$ if out of warentee and there
> are WAY to many people reporting it for it to be an isolated problem.
> Aparently the last gen cars had this problem as well.
> SportCross is small in the back, huh? To bad...
> What a "DI cassettes" on a 9-5?
> Thanks
> Erik
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