[s-cars] Trip report - Chevy 'Burban

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 11:57:10 PST 2007

You need to have front and rear sensors on a vehicle that big. As long as
they have decent corner coverage, which most of them do, it's a breeze to
park with the sensors.

I've used them to squeeze $70k+ A8s into very tight spots. If they didn't
work right, that would have been a very expensive mistake.

The Chevy ones work fine- the Avalanche that my boss drives has them and
they work well. Combined with the backup camera, it's a breeze to park in
spots where without them, I wouldn't dare park for fear that I'd crunch into


On Nov 8, 2007 12:24 PM, Lee Levitt <lee at levitts.net> wrote:

> This one *does* have parking sensors. How much do you trust them when
> pulling out at an angle? This thing is so big that it really takes a
> couple of spotters to get out of tight spots.
> I just can't imagine a soccer mom, on the phone, being able to
> navigate this thing.
> Lee

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