[s-cars] Trip report - Chevy 'Burban

Steve Voit stevevoit at comcast.net
Sat Nov 10 19:48:18 PST 2007


Earlier this year my car was hit in the parking lot at a private club where
members are supposed to care about one another. Dark, moonless night.  My
door was dented about 6" deep about 18" long.  No note!

I contacted the adjacent neighbor and suggested their contractor might have
hit my car.  Funny enough the gal thought she might know who.  Turns out her
friend, who had just  left their home, was on the cell to them for some
attention deficit reason, and she made the comment, "I might have hit a car
but I can't tell".   Of course she didn't get out and look.

She was backing out and snubbed her right rear bumper into my door, just as
you might a curb.

Because I outed her I had an upper hand in all negotiations.  End result is
new factory door (driver) and paint on passenger door and fender for
blending.  I had another (comprehensive) claim filed on my front clip since
a sheet of plywood lifted off the pavement one early morning and was slapped
down by my bumper. This was to be $1600 to fix and I was stalling because it
was such a big expense for such a small smudge on my bumper, but now the
time was right: I had all bumper cover/headlamp surrounds/headlamp washer
areas painted courtesy of the plywood.  I bucked up a small amount and had
the hood painted.  In the end it was cool: about $5500 of paint and body
work for $300 out of pocket.


But I really loathe Suburbans when the driver is preoccupied on the phone.

Steve, feelin' better about getting it out, V.

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