[s-cars] Removing an S4 seat when the fore-aft motor is fried.

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Sun Nov 11 10:42:43 PST 2007

This on behalf of Gabriel Caldwell who is busy stripping rear-ended pearl on black 93 S4.  I was helping him yesterday when he hit a problem:  The rear window of the car was smashed in the accident and there was water in the right rear passenger footwell.  The front passenger seat mechanicals must also have been flooded because the fore-aft motor seems to be dead (all the other ones work).  The problem is without that motor functioning, it seems impossible to get the seat out because you can't move it back (or forward) to expose the bolts that hold the seat to the floor.  I figured out how to remove two screws that hold the seat to the seat frame (part of the tilt system) and was able to tilt the entire seat back to expose the dead motor.  At Gabriel's suggestion, I swapped the power connections from a known to be good motor to the dead motor but nothing happened, i.e. its the motor.  

Are there any manual means of moving the seat forward or backwards?  There is a sawzall solution but that really only gets the seat out the car and does not solve the problem (for resale).


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