[s-cars] Timing Belt, Valve Cover, RS2 Turbo, IC Cleaning, and New Motor Mounts

Mark Turczyn mkturczyn at verizon.net
Tue Nov 13 07:40:46 PST 2007


It is very easy to change the motor mounts even without pulling off the
front end.  Put the front up on jack stands or ramps.  I find it easier to
use jack stands because I can pull off the wheels if I need to.   For your
first time I would pull the wheels so you can have more angles on the right
side to get to the the top nut.

The left is a piece of cake- just remove the nuts and slightly lift the
motor up with your floor jack-do not jack up much or you start fighting the
front mount.

The right top nut is slightly awkward so I use one of those flat ratcheting
closed end wrenches you can buy everywhere.

On 11/13/07 9:13 AM, "Douglas Fifield" <douglas.fifield at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Hedz,
> Time for a TB change and as long as I am in there, I decided to clean
> up the IC and drop in an RS2 turbo.  Since most everything will be out
> of the way in prep for all of that, I decided to do the motor mounts
> as well.
> So, the first question is, can I change the motor mounts without
> unbolting the transmission mounts?  Is there a write-up on this
> anywhere or can anyone offer tips?
> The TB I have done once before and also removed the stock turbo to put
> on an RS3 manifold a couple of years ago and have write-ups for those.
> All help appreciated.
> D.

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