[s-cars] MPG and Stealer

David Kase davekase at pdqlocks.com
Wed Nov 21 10:42:11 PST 2007

I got the same story from the TWO local Audi dealers.  The asshat kept 
telling me someone must have rebadged the car or it was a special 
European only model.

No matter how many times I tried to tell him, he did not believe me.

Just tell the dipsh!t to look under the Audi 100 and he will find it.  
Apparently the "look up" tool worked differently in the earlier models.

Dave Kase

George Verbryck wrote:
> Well on my ongoing quest to improve my mpg I went to the dealer to try and find out about the temperature switch for the ECU only to be told that they have no listing for any 92-94 S4 and I must be mistaken on the model . The S4 according to them did not come out until 98 or something . I must be missing something ? Car should be referred to at the dealer as a 1993 S4 correct? Thanks George
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