[s-cars] MPG and Stealer

mike schowengerdt urdrquattro at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 21 10:44:39 PST 2007

WARNING::: DO NOT TALK TO PARTS GUYS THAT HAVE AN I.Q. THAT IS LESS THAN THEIR AGE !!!!!!!     seriously, the parts listing s are under 100q  92-95,   then only parts that apply to the AAN engine code,   HTH,  mike

----- Original Message ----
From: George Verbryck <georgeverbryck at yahoo.com>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 12:27:24 PM
Subject: [s-cars] MPG and Stealer

Well on my ongoing quest to improve my mpg I went to the dealer to try and find out about the temperature switch for the ECU only to be told that they have no listing for any 92-94 S4 and I must be mistaken on the model . The S4 according to them did not come out until 98 or something . I must be missing something ? Car should be referred to at the dealer as a 1993 S4 correct? Thanks George

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