[s-cars] 16 x 8 Fuchs on a '91 200 - clearance for UFO's?

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 11:32:29 PST 2007

They clear the UFO's just fine on my V8.


On 11/21/07, mike claire <mike.claire at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have asked for comments about the wheel/tire combo and it sounded
> OK. But I'm not sure if I told you my car's got UFO's. Does that
> change anything?  I think most of these cars are running G60's by now.
> So - '91 200, UFOs, 16 x 8 Fuchs, 225/55/16 Alpin's.
> OK?
> Thanks!
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