[s-cars] Epoxy garage floor finishing (NAC)
Jerry Scott
jerryscott at wispertel.net
Wed Nov 21 11:56:07 PST 2007
Mudjacking is where they drill several holes in the concrete and pump
concrete under the slab to get it back to level. The hydraulic pressure
will lift the slab where it is low. The holes get filled with concrete
when they get it to the level that is needed. I have had it done and it
----- Original Message -----
From: "Taka Mizutani" <t44tqtro at gmail.com>
To: "bill mahoney" <airbil at gmail.com>
Cc: "Audi S Car List" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Epoxy garage floor finishing (NAC)
> Some places are probably a good 1/2 to 1" below the rest of the floor. Not
> much cracking, but there is some.
> The floor is painted right now, so I would have to deal with that as well.
> WTF is mudjacking?
> I'm trying to figure out how difficult it would be to remove the ceiling
> and
> utilize the attic space above the garage for additional clearance- then I
> might be able to install a lift. Otherwise, I'll have to expand the garage
> significantly in order to get full use out of the space.
> Taka
> On Nov 21, 2007 10:45 AM, bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Takreted~
>> "Can you tell me what you do when presented with a garage floor that is
>> lumpy?
>> My garage has points where the floor has sagged in places, so that water
>> pools in those spots. If I were going to refinish the floor, I would need
>> to
>> "level" the floor before doing anything else."
>> Taka,
>> You didn't mention how big your sags are? If they're big sags with
>> cracks, mudjacking is prolly the correct way to fix... but also not
>> DIY and thus $$.
>> OTOH if you're just looking to smooth things out with a little
>> concrete surfacer... this Quickrete stuff works great:
>> http://paint-and-supplies.hardwarestore.com/50-276-concrete-resurfacer/quikrete-concrete-resurfacer-105401.aspx?CAWELAID=42428706
>> or a 40lb. $20 bag from homedepot is the best choice with a little
>> mixing.
>> http://tinyurl.com/2ae37y
>> Assumming the floor is not previously painted, spread this stuff
>> around and use a long board to smooth out the aforementioned lumps.
>> Good luck.
>> Call pizzo with any questions and helper is a good idea.
>> Bill~jack of all trades, master of none~M
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